Re-elected Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan investment in Taiwan will relax the conditions of the Mainland

Re-elected Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan investment in Taiwan will relax the conditions of the Mainland

Recently, the Taiwan-related officials, the third wave of open land owned projects across ministries, opening a large extent, the original assessment has been completed and planning considerations temporarily stopped because of the election; now been re-elected President Ma Ying-jeou, a major cross-strait policy, owned open land will give priority to the tables.

Manufacturing projects which open up, a great extent. Current economic data to the Ministry of Land Management Department of Taiwan to adopt the negative list approach, the third wave of liberalization is likely to positively listed. In addition to food, pharmaceutical and other traditional industries are worried about transmission Once open, the land owned by mergers and acquisitions, and some sensitive industries such as semiconductors, panels, petrochemical, and other temporarily open, the other manufacturing industries according to their characteristics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, set open to different conditions for inclusion in the list.

The end of 2011, the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs has launched the third phase of Mainland capital to invest in Taiwan industry to review other projects, and inform the ministries toward "a more open perspective" review, Mainland capital to invest in Taiwan more than two years, no negative impact, which rate will be the Open, "bigger."

Currently, the Ministry of Economic Affairs deliberated Mainland capital shares of the LED industry in Taiwan to establish a new model of cross-strait cooperation in the LED industry, the relevant ministries deliberation relaxed transportation infrastructure, cultural and educational facilities, but at this stage is still open land owned public works contract in Taiwan.

Officials said the strength in the Taiwan LED industry, midstream and components, while mainland China is the downstream end of the module, consider the open land owned terminal LED lamps LED industry in Taiwan shares on the middle reaches of the industry, promote cross-strait LED vertical integration, to get into the mainland LED lighting market.(more information please visit